Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lady Hounds are State Bound!

20091114-0121-PVBRegChamp, originally uploaded by treylawyer.

Date: November 14

Abilene – The Region 1 2A Championship between Peaster and Denver City turned out to be a David vs. Goliath type match. Denver City was larger and from the start of the match seemed to be the favorite. Peaster had three major errors to start the game and appeared to be the weak team. They were nervous and it showed. The Denver City Fillies took advantage of the Lady Hounds while they were down and crushed the Lady Hounds in game one 25-12.

Once again, Peaster had to regain their composure and get back on track as they have had to do in each of the previous playoff games. Game two started with Peaster taking a demanding lead and the Fillies taking a time out to get their girls calmed down. The game turned and Peaster took advantage of Denver City’s weaknesses in game two. Peaster pounded Denver City in game two 25-13 by playing smarter, blocking and digging every ball that came to them.


The next couple of games went back and forth. Both teams were delivering impressive kills and digs and there were a number of long rallies that kept the audience on their toes. The Fillies took game three 25-19, while the Lady Hounds took game four 25-18.

The start of game five was up for grabs for the team that wanted it more. During timeouts, the Lady Hounds would chant “WE WANT IT MORE!” and they made their case to the Fillies. The score went back a forth at the beginning and then the Lady Hounds stepped up again and took a five point lead, winning the match 15-10.


With the win, Peaster is heading to the State tournament for the first time since 1993.


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