Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brewer Invitational Volleyball Tournament

DSC_2528, originally uploaded by treylawyer.

I love photography, especially sports photography that includes any of my family members. So today, me, Gerri and Ben went to Brewer High School in White Settlement to watch our niece play volleyball and to support Peaster Athletics (where my wife coaches). It was an amazing couple of hours of volleyball and I loved every minute.


Peaster takes their volleyball serious and they do not like to lose. Today they showed how good they are by beating two 5a schools to win the tournament. I find it amazing how a small 2a school can come into a tournament and beat schools that are so much larger. The larger schools have more athletes to choose from and in theory should be able to dominate any smaller school. I guess it just goes to show there is always a chance for the underdog and on this day the underdog prevailed.

If Brewer's plan was to invite teams they thought they could beat, then they did not do their homework on Peaster. Peaster has the talent, the drive and the disciple to beat any team. So let's get ready for some great high school sports in 2009-2010.

And if you plan to have a tournament, make sure you do your research on the teams your inviting; so you don't get embarrassed.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Clean Up Our Laws!

I am sick and tired of the Michael Vick coverage and protesters. What he did to the dogs was horrific and I don't blame people for disliking him, but give it a freaking rest already. We live in a great country that has a justice system and as far as I am concerned Vick has served his time and should be allowed to go back to his job of playing football. We might not like what he did, but is it not his right to be allowed to return to work?

Another NFL superstar, Donte Stallworth was recently sentenced to 30 days in jail for a DUI charge and a man died due to his drunk driving. Where are the protesters in this case? I just don't get it! I don't understand how you get more time for killing an animal than a human. What is wrong with this picture? I don't care if it were an accident or not. Donte Stallworth was drunk, he was driving and he hit and killed a human. When I hear stories like this, it just frustrates me to no end becuase this could have been prevented. I respect the court's decision on this case, but I personally feel that Stallworth should have got more time. After he has served his time and is free and clear, I will have no problem with him returnig to the NFL.

Since this has turned into a clean up the Judicial System posting, I should let you know how I feel about the Plaxico Burress case. This guy has worse luck than I do. He is being sent to prison for 2 years because he carried a gun into a night club and it accidently discharged, injuring himself. Okay, he is a complete idiot, but 2 years in prison? You have to be kidding me? There are sex offenders who get less time than this (I will do another blog on this topic).

I am an American, I love this country, but there are some things that need to be cleaned up in our judicial system. Laws need to be changed and we need to get the idiots out of office who are ruining our country (Democrats and Republicans).

Here is what I have learned in the past month:

Kill a person while driving drunk, 30 days!
Own a Dog fighting operation and Kill dogs, 2 years!
Go to the Club and accidently shoot yourself, 2 years!

Any questions?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Morning Drive To Work

DSC_2234e, originally uploaded by treylawyer.

I took this shot on the drive into work Tuesday morning. Having a love for photography, the morning drive is very important. It is my time to relax, think about absolutely nothing, listen to ESPN and take in the sunrise. On mornings like this I am lucky enough to catch a great shot, so I just pull over on the side of the highway, roll down the window and start shooting. I usually take 10 to 20 shots until I get a couple that I really like. I can't even imagine taking a bus or subway to work. Just the thought of it, runs chills down my body. Don't get me wrong, I think commuting is great and it is for some people, but not this Texan. I love my drive to work and will continue to do so as long as I have my truck, radio and camera.

Morning Drive to Fort Worth, Texas

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Old Motel Entrance - Day 2 Part 2

Part 2 of my Saturday "Around Weatheford" project landed me at the entrance of the old Coronodo Motel on the East Side of town. I planned to get there at this time of day so I could catch a great sunset and sure enough, it turned out perfect. The old motel does not exists anymore but for some reason the signs and cactus were never taken down. The Cactus is very popular and is used a lot by local photographers. A number of times I have driven by and caught a glimpse of a bride to be in her wedding dress posing in front of this old cactus.

Taking pictures of these historical sites around town gets me thinking about how we have changed so much over the years. We use to have such simple lives with less technology and more family interaction. Now everything is driven by technology and don't get me wrong, I love technology, but at some point enough is enough. Just think about your checklist before you leave home. Everyday I must not leave home without the following items or my day will be shot.

  1. Keys with remote control alarm and automatic locking system.
  2. Cell Phone (Windows Mobile) - Has everything I need and since I have everything in the phone I no longer memorize numbers and appointments, so I am screwed if I lose this device.
  3. Ear Piece for phone. It is just easier to have the hands-free device.
  4. Camera - I never leave home without a camera. I love photography, it is my part time job so you never know when you are going to need it.
  5. MP3 Player - Don't have an iPhone yet and not sure how the mp3 player works on the windows mobile phone.
  6. GPS - Never know when you need to plug in a address and pick up something for your wife like sample shoes for the volleyball team.
  7. A bag to carry all of my electronic devices.

And I wonder why I can't find my keys half the time!

In the old days when you went to a motel you probably had to pay more for the tv in the room. Now almost all rooms have a TV that has the built in video game system so your kids won't get bored talking with their family and for the adults there is an option to rent movies that are not appropriate for anyone. Don''t forget that all rooms have to have a WiFi connection or at the least a wired connection to the internet.

We have come a long ways with technology and for the most part I think it has helped us, but it would be nice to go to a place one day that offers just a Color T.V. like the Old Coronado Motel did years ago.

Weatherford, Texas - Old Coronado Motel

Studebaker's - Day 2 Part 1

Saturday was my second day of shooting around Weatherford. The first stop was the old Studebaker Farm. If you have ever traveled west bound on the Fort Worth Highway in Weatherford, Texas then you have probably seen this historical dealership. It really looks like another junk yard and if the Studebaker sign were gone, then it would probably be labeled as one. However, the sign makes the site unique. I plan to research this site more because there is bound to be a lot of history here. This would be a great restoration project for someone who has the time and money. Not sure if they are selling, but it would be worth checking.

Th old wrecker's are great. I would love to restore one of these myself one day.

Weatherford, Texas - Studebaker Farm

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Coach Lawyer's New Office

Today was a very special day for a number of reasons. No celebrations, anniversaries or birthdays. Just a day with the family shooting hoops, taking pictures, and playing with Ben. What more can a dad ask for?

Gerri had to get her equipment ready for the school year, so me and Ben decided to tag along. It was great having the entire Gym to ourselves. Ben had a blast running up and down the court while Gerri was upstairs working.

Ben telling momma to come down

As I walked into my wife's new office I felt so happy for her and everything she has accomplished. Everything just seemed right. She is doing what she loves to do, teaching and coaching. And, what better place than the school she attended from k-12.

I know Gerri will have another great year and me and Ben will do our best to make all the home games to give momma that extra support.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Around Weatherford - Old Texas Junk Yard

DSC_2159, originally uploaded by treylawyer.

Auto Savage Yards or as most people call them, "Junk Yards" are very popular in the south. I am not sure how long Texas Auto Savage has been in business, but they do have a great collection of junk cars, trucks, and buses. I love how the phone number does not include the area code. This is a sign that "Texas Auto Savage" has been here a while.

I drive past this junk yard on a regular basis and have never thought about stopping and taking a picture until last week. As I was driving past this antique junk yard my wife said "you should take a picture of the junk yard and some of the other tradition sites around town." So here we are, the first addition to my next photography project.

I just want to thank my wife for being my inspiration. She helps guide me into the right direction and gives me great ideas for my photography. My love will always be sports and event photography, but I have plenty of room on my card for special projects like this one.
