I am sick and tired of the Michael Vick coverage and protesters. What he did to the dogs was horrific and I don't blame people for disliking him, but give it a freaking rest already. We live in a great country that has a justice system and as far as I am concerned Vick has served his time and should be allowed to go back to his job of playing football. We might not like what he did, but is it not his right to be allowed to return to work?
Another NFL superstar, Donte Stallworth was recently sentenced to 30 days in jail for a DUI charge and a man died due to his drunk driving. Where are the protesters in this case? I just don't get it! I don't understand how you get more time for killing an animal than a human. What is wrong with this picture? I don't care if it were an accident or not. Donte Stallworth was drunk, he was driving and he hit and killed a human. When I hear stories like this, it just frustrates me to no end becuase this could have been prevented. I respect the court's decision on this case, but I personally feel that Stallworth should have got more time. After he has served his time and is free and clear, I will have no problem with him returnig to the NFL.
Since this has turned into a clean up the Judicial System posting, I should let you know how I feel about the Plaxico Burress case. This guy has worse luck than I do. He is being sent to prison for 2 years because he carried a gun into a night club and it accidently discharged, injuring himself. Okay, he is a complete idiot, but 2 years in prison? You have to be kidding me? There are sex offenders who get less time than this (I will do another blog on this topic).
I am an American, I love this country, but there are some things that need to be cleaned up in our judicial system. Laws need to be changed and we need to get the idiots out of office who are ruining our country (Democrats and Republicans).
Here is what I have learned in the past month:
Kill a person while driving drunk, 30 days!
Own a Dog fighting operation and Kill dogs, 2 years!
Go to the Club and accidently shoot yourself, 2 years!
Any questions?
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